Lesson Report-Adv.1-Feb.25th

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
You're learning how important color is for business. It's part of the identity of the brand.
Hope you're more interested in paying attention to brand, logo, colors used in the business.

[1] Reading and Writing Book 2       Unit 2 Color: How do colors affect the way we feel #3
Review Writing: what colors you would use for a restaurant you’re designing.
Writing-1: Freewriting
- Writing Skill A-> B
- Grammar: Conjunctions-> Ex-A, B
- Writing Skill C: Discuss how the company uses color, and how the colors make you feel
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Practice #87 Dating Service Interview
=> Listening Task-1 What kind of man is she looking for? Describe as much as you can.
[3] Independent Writing
=> D: Write a paragraph as to how the company uses color, and how the colors make you feel.

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