Lesson Report-Adv.1-Jul.16th

Dear Adv-1 Classmates,
The responses to your parent's thinking of having a plastic surgery were not only interesting but also well organized and structured.
It would be nicer if you could bring in more specific examples or actions you might try to persuade your parent not to alter his or her face.
[1] Reading: Cover to Cover  Unit 3- Part 1 On the Decay of the Art of Lying  #1/3
[2] Vocabulary: Daily 1500
- Review #37 Working on a campaign => Voc. Writing
- Practice #38 Email to Mom => Lis. Task Explain what happened this morning.
[3] Writing: Cover to Cover  Unit 2 Part 2 Dealing with your travel companion
- Review: a response to parent - I'm thinking of having a plastic surgery to look younger.
- Write about your travel experience which you had trouble with your companion within 100 words. Use the indirect (reporting) speech and conditional type-3.

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