MEL News March 2014

それでは、MEL News (2014年3月号)をお届けします。

News-1 4月期のレッスン開始について

News-2 新年度クラス時間
月・木曜日 Advancing(新高2-3)      3月31日(月)から  7:45-9:45 
火・金曜日 Senior-1   (新高1, 中3) 3月4日(火)から    7:30-9:30
                      Junior-3    (新中3)         3月4日(火)から    7:30-9:30
水・土曜日 Senior-2   (新高1)         3月1日(土)から    7:45-9:45
      Junior-2E   (新中2)        3月1日(土)から    5:50-7:35   
      Junior-2     (新中2)         3月1日(土)から    7:45-9:30

News-3 第3回MEL School卒業式
2014年6月にはMEL School開校9年目を迎えます。今年は3月21日(金)にAdvancing-2クラスの第3回卒業式を行います。

News-4 タブレットPCの利用について
ほかのクラス(新Junior-2, Junior-2E, Junior-3, Senior-1)には、3月19日(水)のレッスンから随時導入する予定です。

News-5 TOEIC、TOEIC Bridgeについて
今年も中学3年生以上を対象(全員)にTOEIC、または、TOEIC Bridgeを使って能力測定を行います。いずれも団体受験扱いで、MEL Schoolにて実施します。
TOEIC 対象:新Senior-2クラス、Advancingクラスの生徒
     実施日時:3月19日(水)7:45-9:45 <=新Senior-2クラスのレッスン時
                                 3月20日(木)7:30-9:30 <=現・新Advancingクラスのレッスン時

TOEIC Bridge 対象:新Senior-1クラス
     実施日時:3月18日(火)8:20-9:20 <=新Senior-1クラスのレッスン時

Update-1 高校入試、大学入試合格状況
2月24日の都立高校入試、25日の国立大学入試も終わり、MEL Schoolの受験生たちは無事全員が試験を受けることができました。

Update-2 新入生対象 体験レッスン および 定員の状況
新Primary-1クラス:  新小学校4-6年生対象 初めて英語を学習する児童向け
 第2回 3月11日(火)  17:00-18:00

Update-3  保護者面談のお願い
3月には、Primary-2, 新Senior-1, Senior-2, Advancingクラスの保護者面談を予定しております。





MEL School 三鷹
Towako Asai

Lesson Report Senior-2 February 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing today?
It's Friday, February 28th, 2014.
Wow, February is over!
You have one more month to go this school year.
Are you ready for the next year?
We had many absentees yesterday.
The flu is really going around, so please take care of yourself!
We reviewed the sayings we learned about last time.
I haven't read your essay about your favorite saying yet, but I'm really looking forward to it.
Our speaker yesterday was Yu.
He talked about a film viewing class at school.
Unfortunately, it was not too exciting for him.
The next speakers are Minori, Momoko and Azusa.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
BW-3 Second Round Chapter 33 Unit 2 現在完了形・間接話法
Worksheet [Round 2] Activity-6
Cover to Cover Unit 10 Wise Words Part 1 The Wisdom of the World (pp. 128-131)

Learning about vocabulary; wise, smart, intelligent, prudent, clever
Expanding Vocabulary in Context
Communication Task

Have a great weekend!
See you next week!


Lesson Report Junior-1E February 27th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Friday, February 28th, 2014.
It's cloudy and warm today.

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 157 & 158
Bridge Work
Chapter 11 Unit 1 規則動詞の過去形
Exercise-1 #1, Words practice #1-31 (pp. 172-174)
Exercise-2 #1-a, 2-a, 3-a (pp. 177-179)
See you tomorrow!


Lesson Report Junior-1 February 26th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Thursday, February 27th, 2014.
It's rainy today.
Our speaker yesterday was Kentaro.

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 155 & 156
Bridge Work
Chapter 11 Unit 2 Exercise-2  #1, 2 Review  Read aloud
Exercise-2  #4 Listening practice => Read aloud  (pp. 185-186)
Chapter 11 Unit 2 Exercise-2  #5-b.
Class practice => Pair work (Repeat the answer) => Write about yourself and a partner
Key Communication

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Rerport-Advancing-Feb.27th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
We had only two students today, so the lesson program had to be altered to suit the class size.
However, intense talks and discussions were taken place especially on euthanasia.
Do you support to legalize this controversial practice?
[1] Reading Comprehension
Belgium's parliament votes through child euthanasia
- Task-1: What is euthanasia?
- Task-2: Do you support the new legislation? Why/Why not?
[2] Listening & Communication
C-12 Cultural Differences  A Lecture about Culture Shock
- Lis-3 w/Script-> Vocabulary
- Pronunciation: Linking
- Speaking Practice => Discuss what you would do if you were to study in India for a few years, where their traditions, cultures, values, languages, climate, foods and lifestyles are so different from yours. Respect others and ask questions or give your thoughts on their opinions.

Lesson Report-Senior 1B-Feb.26th

Dear Senior-1B Classmates,
Now you've learned how to write an essay in the reported speech.
Don't you think you can write an essay better by using this?
When you finish your year-end exams, start preparing for your high school.
Reading books and newspapers are recommended.
[1] Read & Write: Unit 3 Long Distance - Writing-1
- Writing Skill: Connecting sentences with and and but with a comma.
-> A, B: Underline the key information before choosing and or but.
- Grammar: there is/are, was/were -> A, B
☆Plural, Singular, or Either by Word, Context, Situation, Expectation
[2] Deep Listening -3: Lesson 8 Transport
Before Lis: (airport) shuttle
[3] Vocabulary in Use: C33-U2 #1  人との関わりに関することば
✩Practice Reading 
Task Eng=>日: - The government’s refusal …, - After the Second …
[4] Bridge Work: C33-U2 I’ve been waiting for Fred for an hour.
- Review- G&C-2 -> Ex-2.1.2.
=> 理由・原因 Activity-1  WB/p.37
=> 経験 Activity-2  WB/p.37
- G&C-3: 間接話法の使い方-> Ex-3.1, 2-a-> 2-b-> 2-c
=> Activity-3  WB/p.37
=> Activity-4  WB/p.37
=> Gr-Writing  WB/p.38

Lesson Report-Sr.1A-Feb.26th - Next lesson on Mar.4th

Dear Sr-1A Classmates,
The next lesson will be on Tuesday, March 4 at 7:30.
Don't forget to bring your dictionaries!!!
You all looked exhausted after the series of exams.
Now they are all, or mostly over. You can enjoy yourselves for the next 40 days without worrying about tests or homework!
[1] Communication: NHK基礎英語-3 2月号
Review Practice: - I wonder what you thought of me when we first met. - I’m afraid I don’t remember when we first met. - Do you know if they’re getting married? - I want to know where Ron was born.
☆Let’s Chant/p.91: Comparatives
Practice & Writing: - Which dish do you think is more popular among students, pizza or pasta?
- I don’t think pizza is the most popular food among students. - Eric doesn’t think he passed his math test.
[2] Deep Listening -3: Lesson 6 Charity Breakfast
- Voc: aid, scout, offer=> Read like an announcer.
[3] Vocabulary in Use: C34-U2 #2  批評などに関することば
[4] Writing: The biggest day of life: Entrance Exam
Write how I spent and felt/thought the day for my most important entrance exam within 10 sentences

Lesson Report Junior-2 February 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, February 26th, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today.
What was your mom doing when you woke up this morning?
Was she making breakfast for your family?
What are you going to do after you finish the exams?
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Kaede and Mahiro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Star Team Unit 11
Presentation Story: Did you really love me?
基礎英語 Lessons 157
Review the achievement test
Bridge Work 
Chapter 22 Unit 2 
Grammar and Communication-2  comparative and superlative with adverbs
Exercise-2 #2

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 February 25th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, February 26, 2014
It's sunny and warm today!

Grammar One Unit 19 How much / how many の復習しました。
Up and Away Around the World P 24-26 new words が終わりましたね!

<Lesson Review>
Phonics Polite e vowels chant
基礎英語 #157, 158
Grammar One
P 61 Exercise 6, 5
Up and Away Around the World P24-26

Have a wonderful week! See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary- 1 February 25th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Wednesday, February 26, 2014.
It's sunny and warm today
Picture Dictionary Topic21 Months and Seasons (4) monthsをたくさん覚えられましたね。Good work!
Up and AwayUnit 12 Simple presentでは have/ don`t haveを学習しました。 
リーダーのThe Elephant Driverに出てきた angry, afraid, smart, tired, hungry, thirstyは良く覚えていました。 
最近習ったbelow, near, at the side of,等の言葉も覚えておきましょう!

<Lesson Review>
Support time: Phonics Polite Vowels chant  Use word cards
Picture Dictionary
Topic 21 Months and Seasons (4)
Sing the Chant
Up and Away Student Book Unit 12 Simple present. Have/ don`t have
Workbook Unit 12 P16
Reader The Elephant Driver P20-23

Have a wonderful week! See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Senior-2 February 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing today?
It's Tuesday, February 25th, 2014.
It was warm during the day, but we still have another cold night.
We have only a few more days to go in February.
Did you find your favorite saying among them?
How many of them did you know?
It's interesting to learn we seem to share the same value around the world.
Many of them are universal, aren't they?
Have you gotten used to reading big numbers in English?
It will be less challenging to read them once you are used to it.
I'm so sorry that I skipped Today's Speech part yesterday.
So, the next speakers are still Minori and Momoko.
I won't forget them next time!

<Lesson Review>
BW-3 Second Round Chapter 33 Unit 2 現在完了形・間接話法
Worksheet [Round 2] Activity-5
Cover to Cover Unit 10 Wise Words Part 1 The Wisdom of the World  (pp. 128-131)
Before reading: What is your favorite saying?
ð  Comprehension strategy: Making Inferences
ð  Task A => Listen and answer “Checking Comprehension”. => Read through the text.

Chapter 8 Part 1
Voc: Trend-> Extra Reading: More women have driver's licenses than men in US

See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report-Advancing-Feb.24th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
Tomorrow is a big day for those who are taking entrance exams for the state universities.
We all hope that they will do at their best and get good results.
Those who are going to take ones next year, please cheer them up!
[1] Reading Task
Japan's active seniors show younger generation how it's done
1. Choose a suitable word in each box.
2. Complete a sentence in your own words. “You …
[2] Writing Task: A letter to your grandparent(s)
- Video:
★ Read About Ms. Nagaoka
=> Write a letter to your grandparent(s) to encourage him/her/them to stay active and social in 100 words. => Peer Review=> Revise=> Present

Lesson Report Junior-1 February 22nd

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Monday, February 24th, 2014.
It's cloudy and cold today.
Our speaker on Saturday was Chiaki.
She talked about her future dream.
The next speaker is Kentaro.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 155 & 156
Bridge Work

Chapter 11 Unit 1  Exercise-1 #41-48 Review  Repeat after the CD (p. 176)

=> Exercise-2  #7-a. Review => Pair practice (p. 182)

Chapter 11 Unit 1  Key Communication

Chapter 11 Unit 2 Exercise- 1, Exercise-2 #1 Review practice (Pair work)

Exercise-2 #2  Listening practice => Read aloud

 #5-a. => Write about yourself and a partner

See you on Wednesday!


Lesson Report Junior-1E February 22nd

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Monday, February 24th, 2014.
It's cloudy and cold today.
two days ago, last winter など、過去を表わす時の表現と合わせてしっかり覚えましょう。

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 155 & 156
Bridge Work
Chapter 11 Unit 1  規則動詞の過去形
Exercise-1 #1, Words practice #1-18 (pp. 172-173)
Exercise-2 #1-a, 2-a, 3-a (pp. 177-179)
See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1B-Feb.22nd

Dear Senior-1B Classmates,
You didn't pass your xx test because you hadn't prepared for it?
When Ron came into the kitchen, everyone had already finished dinner.
The past perfect is used to describe the reason or cause for an past event, or to state the sequence of past events.
Which grammar you think is easier to learn or use, the present perfect continuous or past perfect?
May be writing a summary is way more challenging than such grammar rules.
[1] Read & Write: Unit 3 Long Distance  Reading-2: Immigrant Stories
- Vocabulary Skills/p.54: Word Roots=> Dic-> A, B
- lone (before N) unhappy, sad: He is a lone man. - alone (not before N): He lives alone.
- populate (v): a heavily populated area. over/under populated
- Review: Reading and the Summary
When Apara Asuquo was 45, she came to London from Nigeria with her husband (who works for an international back). At first, she didn’t find a good job but began working as an office worker two years later. Now, she enjoys working with the people (coworkers) in her office.
She has children who attend university in England. Although she and her husband plan to go back to Nigeria,their children want to stay in London where they find more opportunities for their future.
=> WDT If you can’t get a good job in your country, would you be willing to move to another country to work, live and have a family there? Write your answer and explain the reason in five sentences.
[2] Bridge Work  C33-U2 I’ve been waiting for Fred for an hour.
- Review: G&C-1, Ex-1.1.2.
- G&C-2 -> Ex-2.1.2.
=> 理由・原因 Activity-1  WB/p.37
=> 経験 Activity-2  WB/p.37

Lesson Report-Senior 1A-Feb.22nd

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
You must be looking forward to finishing tomorrow's exam. The difference between before and after noon tomorrow is going to be so huge that you might feel like living in a different world.
Until then, tighten up your belts and drive safely to your destination.
Gook luck!
Review Practice: - I was worried if/whether you like cheese made of soy milk. Would you like some more? I was surprised to hear that they are getting married. They are married over 20 years.
Practice & Writing: - I wonder what you thought of me when we first met. - I’m afraid I don’t remember when we first met. - Do you know if they’re getting married? - I want to know where Ron was born.
[2] 特別課題-2: 英検準2級 Listening Questions and Tasks
- Reading Tasks 2011-1: [5]
1. What do students do in Spelling Bee?
2. What do students have to do to take part in the Scripps National Spelling Bee?
3. What do students who take part in the Scripps National Spelling Bee often do?
4. According to some people, what is one bad point about spelling bees?
- Listening Questions and Tasks: 2011-1 #1-30

Lesson Report Junior-2 February 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Saturday, February 22nd, 2014.
It's sunny and cold today.
Are you hungry now?
Do you need anything to eat?
Which is more delicious to you, pizza or pasta?
きのうのレッスンでは、something/anything to eat/drink や、
more, most を使った比較級の練習をしました。
Our speaker yesterday were Akane and Hitomi.
Akane talked about her friend at school.
Hitomi talked about going shopping in Shibuya.
The next speaker is Kaede.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Star Team Unit 11
Review Vocabulary, Pronunciation
基礎英語 Lessons 156 => Review
Bridge Work Chapter 22 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-3  something/anything to eat/drink
Practice example sentences <Repeating>
Exercise-3 => Pair reading (Look up)
Chapter 22 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  comparative and superlative with more and the most
Exercise-1 #1-a, 1-b, 1-c  Japanese – English practice
#2-a. Oral practice => Make questions => Write about yourself and a partner.

See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 February 21st

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Saturday, February 22, 2014
It's sunny today!
February のスペルは覚えましたね‼ Good work!
Grammar One Unit 19 今日もsome and anyの使い方を復習しました。
次回はUp and Away Around the World の問題を解きます。

<Lesson Review>
Phonics Polite e vowels chant
Phonics crossword puzzle worksheet
基礎英語 #154, 155,156
Grammar One
P 60 Exercise 4, More cooking. 

Have a wonderful weekend! 
See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 February 21st

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Saturday, February 22, 2014.
It's sunny today
Picture Dictionary Topic21 Months and Seasons (3) では月のスペルのワークシートをやりました。
Up and AwayUnit 12 Negative Commandsはわかりやすかったですね! 
Workbook も良くできていました。
リーダーのThe Elephant Driverに出てきた hippo はカバの事でした。 
最近学習した in the middle of, near 等を覚えていましたね!

<Lesson Review>
Support time: Phonics Polite Vowels chant  Use word cards
Picture Dictionary
Topic 21 Months and Seasons (3)
Sing the Chant
Picture Dictionary workbook 1 Topic 21
Up and Away Student Book Unit 11 Classroom commands  p 29, 30
Workbook Unit 12 P15
Reader The Elephant Driver P16-19

Have a wonderful weekend!  
See you on Tuesday!


Lesson Report Senior-2 February 20th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's everything?
It's Friday, February 21st, 2014.
We've been having another cold day.
You found your friends' summaries interesting, didn't you?
Hope you learned a lot from others by reviewing them.
Making comments on others' work is not only interesting but also challenging, right?
You have to be responsible for what you tell.
You learned about the election from Open Forum lesson.
Was it surprising for you to learn how law a turnout for a major election?
Please think about how to participate in politics when you become an adult.
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Minori and Momoko.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover Unit 9 Part 2  Can “Love at First Sight” Last?  (pp. 118-121)
         Critical reading => Peer review for summaries
Open Forum 
Chapter 8 Part 1
Interview with a sociologist Lis-3 w/Script-> Voc
=> Election turnout of Tokyo, Compulsory in Australia

See you next week!


Lesson Report-Advancing-Feb.20th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
Have you ever experienced or thought of culture shock? When you entered your school, didn't you feel cultural gap from the former school, or when you went abroad and stayed with a host family or attended a language class? Cultural difference is a challenge but it also is an exciting experience.
In a month or two, some of you are entering a new world. Enjoy the culture shock!
[1] Listening & Communication: C-12 Cultural Differences  A Lecture about Culture Shock
Lis-1: Answer the questions -> Lis 2: Describe the five states of culture shock.
(1) What is culture shock?  (2) What are the five stages of culture shock?
(3) Why it’s important to know about culture shock?
=> Discuss Which stage of culture shock sounds more challenging than the others to you.
Lis-3 with Script-> Voca
=> Paraphrase the five stages of culture shock and Re-describe them briefly.
[2] Reading Comprehension by Asai
- Reading for Writing: Flying eye hospital
=> Writing Task Lesson 15-2.24.14

Lesson Report Junior-1 February 19th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Thursday, February 20th, 2014.
It's cloudy and cold today.
きのうのレッスンでは、Where ...? How long ...? などを使ってみんなの家についてお互いに尋ねあったり、その結果を文章にまとめたりしましたね。
次回はChapter 10 Unit 2のKey Communicationのテストですね。
Our speaker yesterday was Hinako.
She talked about how long it took from her house to some places.
The next speaker is Chiaki.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 153 & 154
Bridge Work
Chapter 10 Unit 2  Verbs to learn #19  learn, understand
Exercise-2  #5
Grammar in Use  About Luna's house
Key Communication
(pp. 167-169)
Chapter 11 Unit 1
Exercise-1 #32-40, #41-48 Review (pp. 175-176)
Exercise-2 #6-b
  (pp. 181-182)

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1B-Feb.19th

Dear Senior-1B Classmates,
Can you tell me how long you've had your tablet PC?
Do you remember how long you've been using it since you turned it on the last time?
The present perfect continuous, or 現在完了進行形, is usually used when you started doing something, you're still doing it and you'll be doing it for some time.
Unless you don't talk about what you're doing for now, it shouldn't be used.
So, how long have you been thinking about the meaning of the meaning of the present perfect continuous?

[1] Read & Write: Unit 3 Long Distance  Reading-2: Immigrant Stories
- Vocabulary: Study how to define words
- Preview Reading 2: Skim the article-> T/F
- Reading #1-> Main Ideas, Details
=> Summarize one of the stories in 5 sentences. Use the Present tense and the third person narrative.
[2] Deep Listening -3: Lesson 7 Where is the Contact Lens?
[3] Vocabulary in Use: C34-U2 #2  批評などに関することば
✩Practice Reading=> Voca Writing=> ✩Practice Reading
[4] Bridge Work: C33-U2 I’ve been waiting for Fred for an hour.
- G&C-1 -> Ex-1.1.2.=> 3. Pair

Lesson Report-Sr.1A-Feb.19th

Dear Sr-1A Classmates,
Only several days left before the entrance exam for your public schools.
Are you ready or already exhausted?
The best way to get the highest possible test score in English test is to keep practicing reading the texts and key sentences you've learned. Make sure to remember what you've learned in stead of trying to learn new things at this final stage.

Review Practice: -- This problem looks difficult. - It looks like a difficult question.
- The move Ron talked about sounds interesting. => B: Yes. It sounds like an interesting movie.
Lesson-153 Voc: some more, compliment
Lesson-154  Voc: let ~ know, get married,
Practice & Writing: - I was worried if/whether you like cheese made from soy milk. Would you like some more? I’m surprised to hear that they are getting married. They are married over 20 years.
[2] 特別課題-1: 英検準2級
- Reading: 2010-3 [5] Reading Tasks
1. What do Search-and-Rescue teams in North America sometimes do?
2. Why did Terry Nowacki start training his horse Stormy to help Search-and-Rescue teams?
3. Why the training of Stormy was easier than Terry Nowacki had expected?
4. What does Terry Nowacki tell riders when he trains the Search-and-Rescue teams?
- Listening Questions and Tasks: 2010-3 #1-30

Lesson Report Junior-2 February 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, February 19th, 2014.
It's sunny and cold today.
Which month do you think is colder, January or February?
This year, we have had a lot of snow in February.
Do you want more snow this month?
I don't!
We didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speakers are Akane and Hitomi.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 153 & 154
Bridge Work 
Chapter 22 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1
Exercise-1 #5-a., 5-b., 6-a., 6-b., 7-a., 7-b.
Exercise-2  #2
(pp. 163-165)

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 February 18th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, February 19, 2014
It's sunny but cold today!
February のスペルは覚えましたか? 
Grammar One Unit 19 How much milk?ではsome and anyの使い方を学習しました。
P 59の問題はペアで練習しました。 Good Work!!
Up and Away Around the World P 20-23. 最後まで読めましたね。 

<Lesson Review>
Phonics Polite e vowels chant
基礎英語 #151, 152, 153
Grammar One
P 59 Exercise 2,3.
Up and Away Around the World P20-23

Have a wonderful week! See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 February 18th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Wednesday, February 19, 2014.
It's sunny and cold today
Picture Dictionary Topic21 Months and Seasons (2) ではFebruary と自分のお誕生月は覚えましたね。  Good Work!
Up and AwayUnit 11  Classroom Commandsはいかがでしたか? 
Workbook は良くできていました。
リーダーのThe Elephant Driverに出てきた thirsty dirty や cleanは良く覚えていました 。 
新しく習った At the side of, come on 等の言葉も覚えましょう!

<Lesson Review>
Support time: Phonics Polite Vowels chant  Use word cards
Picture Dictionary
Topic 21 Months and Seasons (2)
Sing the Chant
Memorize February and write it on the board with pair
Up and Away Student Book Unit 11 Classroom commands  p 27,28
Workbook Unit 11 P13,14
Reader The Elephant Driver P12 -15

Have a wonderful week! See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Senior-2 February 17th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, February 18th, 2014.
It's a beautiful sunny day!
You reviewed how to use indirect speech yesterday.
Are you used to it now?
Most of you seemed to find it interesting what you learned from Open Forum today.
Do you think you will go and vote on a election day when you have the right?
You need to be responsible for the society you live in.
We had three speakers yesterday.
Akira talked about his entrance exam result. He passed it! Congratulations!
Yuka talked about how people in different countries celebrate Valentine's Day.
Keisuke's story was about the snow days in Inokashira Park.
The next speaker is Minori.
Get ready for your speech!

Don't forget your homework, everyone!

<Lesson Review>
BW-3 Second Round Chapter 33 Unit 1 間接疑問文・間接話法
 Grammar and Communication-3 間接話法の使い方:まとめ(p. 124
    Exercise-3 #1 => Worksheet  Round 2 Grammar Writing-1 G&C-1, 2, 3, 4 関節疑問文
Cover to Cover Unit 9 Part 2  Can “Love at First Sight” Last?  (pp. 118-121)
           Review reading => Writing a report
Open Forum 
Chapter 8 Part 1
Interview with a sociologist  Lis-1, 2-> Main Ideas, Details, Lis Tasks

=> Your involvement in communities

See you on Thursday!



Lesson Report-Advancing-Feb.17th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
Now do you worry or care about taking foods that contain trans fat? As you learned, there are basically three kinds of fats, saturated fat, trans fat and healthy fat.
As the video showed, you need to take certain amount of fat every day. So it's just a matter of choice whether you have good ones or bad ones.
What is going to be your choice of fat today?
[1] Reading Task: FDA to ban artery-clogging trans fats
- Introduction by Video, Photos
- Reading Tasks
[2] Writing Task
If you were a member of the food safety and health committee of your country, what plan would you propose to the committee to eliminate or reduce the use of trans fats?
Write your proposal within 100 words.

Lesson Report Junior-1 February 16th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Monday, February 17th, 2014.
It's sunny today.
The next speaker is still Hinako.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 151 & 152
Bridge Work
Chapter 11 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  & 2 不規則動詞の過去形
Exercise-2 #1  (pp. 183-185)

See you!


Lesson Report Junior-2 February 16th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing today?
It's Monday, February 17th.
It's sunny and warm today.
基礎英語ではValentine's Dayの話題でした。
Bridge Workではこれまでの総まとめ実力テストを行いました。

See you all tomorrow!


Lesson Report Primary class February 16th

Hello Class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Monday, February 17th.
We had a lot of fun yesterday, didn't we?
みんなで"Alphabet Phonics Plus"にチャレンジしましたね。
You did a good job!
Bingo & Bongoも楽しくできましたね!


See you tomorrow!


Lesson Report-Senior 1B-Feb.16th

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
First of all, thank you for coming to the lesson on Sunday afternoon. It must have been hard to walk on icy roads to school. Heavy snow falls two weeks in a row! You may want to remember this winter as it is quite rare to have this much snow in Tokyo. Though snow melts in just a few days, things you saw and did should stay in your memory forever!
[1] Read & Write: Unit 3 Long Distance  Reading-1: The World in a City
- Review Reading-1 and Vocabulary
=> Write what you’re interested to do in London or where you want to visit in four to six sentences.
=> Q&A
[2] Vocabulary in Use: C34-U2 #2 批評などに関することば
✩Practice Reading=> Writing E->日 – Some criticized the sorts of …

Lesson Report-Senior 1A-Feb.16th

Dear Senior-1 Classmates,
First of all, thank you for coming to the lesson on Sunday afternoon. It must have been hard to walk on icy roads to school. Heavy snow falls two weeks in a row! You may want to remember this winter as it is quite rare to have this much snow in Tokyo. Though snow melts in just a few days, things you saw and did should stay in your memory forever!
[1] Communication: NHK基礎英語-3 2月号
Lesson-151 Voc: like/sound ~, make out, figure out, work out
Lesson-152 Voc: go out, meet up, book a table for ~
[2] 特別課題-2: 英検準2級
Reading Tasks, 2010-1: [5]
Listening Questions and Tasks: 2010-2

2月15日休講と金, 土曜日の振替レッスンについて

Senior-1, Junior-2, Junior-1, Primary-2, Primary-1 各クラスの皆さま


Primaryクラス(1, 2 合同で)    13:00-13:45

Junior-2クラス(中学2年生) 14:00-15:30
Senior-1aクラス(中学3年生) 14:00-15:30

Junior-1 および Junior-1E クラス(中学1年生) 16:00-17:30
Senior-1bクラス(中学3年生) 16:00-17:30

*Senior-1a は通常17:15開始のクラス、Senior-1b は通常19:30開始のクラスです。
*Junior-1E は通常17:30開始のクラス、Junior-1 は通常19:30開始のクラスです。

また、その他ご質問等がありましたら、 にご連絡をお願いいたします。



MEL School 三鷹


Senior-1, Junior-1クラスの皆様







MEL School 三鷹

Lesson Report-Advancing-Feb.13th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
Are you stressed by the exams? Are you satisfied with what you have or who you spend time with?
Do you always try to live a happy life?
You might have learned what a life could be for a boy whose weight is less than the half of yours and life expectancy is no longer than a decade at the same age as you.
Live positively.
[1] Listening & Communication: Open Forum-2    Chapter 12 Cultural Differences
A Professor from California faces cultural difference in time
- Listening-3-> Vocabulary
- Focus on the Listening Skill: Paraphrase to work out meaning-> Ex-3, 4, 5/p.104
- Vocabulary/p.105: Expressions related to Time and Punctuality
=> Describe someone’s (third person) punctuality/lateness using the vocabulary.
[2] Special Program - Reading and Video Watching: Beloved teen Sam Berns dies at 17

Lesson Report Junior-1E February 13th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Thursday, February 13th, 2014.
It's cloudy and cold today.
Star TeamのRole Playはなかなか上手にできました。
小テストもよくできた人が多かったですね。Keep up the good work!
<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 149 & 150
Bridge Work
Chapter 9 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1 Verbs to learn - 13 pass, win, skate, get on/off, see, speak
Exercise-2 #2-a, 3
Star Team Unit 7 Charlie doesn’t like shopping (p. 38)

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-1 February 12th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Thursday, February 13th, 2014.
It's cloudy and cold today.
Our speaker yesterday was Minori.
She did a good speech!
The next speaker is Hinako.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 149 & 150
Bridge Work
Chapter 10 Unit 2 
Grammar and Communication-2 方向をあらわす副詞
Exercise-2 #2, 3, 4 (pp. 165-166)
Chapter 11 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2 #32-40 Review
Exercise-1 #8 (pp. 175-176)
Exercise-2 #6-a. (p. 181)
Star Team Story  Tropical Adventure (pp. 81-83)
See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report-Senior 1B-Feb.12th

Dear Senior-1B Classmates,
Now you're pretty much used to use your tablet PCs and ready to practice speaking English!
The important thing is to listen and repeat, or practice speaking English at your best.
The harder you practice, the better your English will be.
[1] Read & Write: Unit 3 Long Distance  Reading-1: The World in a City
- Before Reading:  immigrate-immigration-immigrant
- Vocabulary: foreign<->domestic, market
- Reading Skill: Skimming for the Main Idea – title, headings, captions
-> Preview Reading 1, Main Ideas
- Reading #1-> Check the Main Ideas, Details: Dic origin-original,
=> What Do You Think-3 Tell your partner/group; => Q&A
Task-1: What you’re interested to do when you visit London or any other tourist destination.
[2] Vocabulary in Use: C34-U2 #1  申し込みや参加に関することば
- Practice Reading with Tablet PC
- Writing English to Japanese: - If you want to apply …  - The use of mobile phone …
[3] Bridge Work: C34-U2 She’s the girl I’ve been talking about.
- Grammar Writing WorkBook/p.43
- GIU: What’s on the menu?

Lesson Report-Senior 1A-Feb.12th

Dear Senior-1A Classmates,
First of all, congratulations for passing your entrance exams!!!
Now you're relieved from the pressure and ready to take the tests for your public high school.
When you try to read the content of reading or listening test, you may find it quite challenging and different from just choosing answers. In other words, solving problems in exams doesn't improving your English proficiency. Therefore, practice reading and speaking English every day!
[1] Communication: NHK基礎英語-3 2月号
Review Practice: - What a great atmosphere it is!  - Ron is absent today. That’s because he hasn’t recovered from the cold yet. It took him a week to recover from the flu.
Lesson-149   Voc: end up with, send out
Lesson-150   Voc: look up, write down, pronounce, vocabulary
Practice & Writing: - I don’t remember how many New Year’s cards I received this year.
- I’m afraid I don’t know what vocabulary means.
- If you don’t know what vocabulary means, look it up in your dictionary.
[3] 特別課題-1: 英検準2級
- Reading Tasks: 2010-2: [5]
- Listening Questions and Tasks: 2010-1

Lesson Report Junior-2 February 11th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you today?
It's Wednesday, February 12th, 2014.
There's some snow here and there because it's been cold since Saturday.
Are you taller than your mom?
If you have a brother, is he older than you?
Who is the tallest in your family?
And you have a Recap test on Friday.
Get ready for it!
The speakers yesterday were Yuma and Yuria.
Yuma talked about the snow day.
Yuria talked about her visit to an art museum.
The next speaker is Hirokuni.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 149 & 150
Star Team  Unit 10
Vocabulary: Musical Instruments
Bridge Work Chapter 21 Unit 3
Key Communication
(p. 158)
Chapter 22 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1
Exercise-1 #3-a., 3-b., 4-a., 4-b.

See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 February 11th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Wednesday, February 12 , 2014
It's very cold today! Please stay warm!
Grammer One Unit 19 How much milk?ではsome and anyの違いを学習しました。
P 59 Exercise 1 は良くできていました。
Up and Away Around the World P 18-19 を練習し、P17を復習しました。

<Lesson Review>
Phonics Polite e vowels chant
基礎英語 #149#150
Grammar One
P 59 Exercise 1.
Up and Away Around the World P17-19

Have a great week! See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 February 11th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
How are you?
It’s Wednesday, February 12, 2014.
It's very cold today
サポートタイムで練習しているphonics の新しいやり方に早く慣れましょう!
Picture Dictionary Topic21Months and Seasons (1) ではFebruary と自分のお誕生月は覚えましたね。クラスの仲間のお誕生月も頑張って覚えましょう!
Up and AwayUnit 10, Where are you from? は皆良くできていました。Good work!
リーダーのThe Elephant Driverを読んでbaboons and monkeysの違いがわかりましたね。

<Lesson Review>
Support time: Phonics Polite Vowels chant  Use word cards
Picture Dictionary
Topic 21 Months and Seasons (1)
Sing the Chant
Write new words in notebook
Up and Away Student Book Unit 10 Where are you from?
Workbook Unit 10 Personal information
Reader The Elephant Driver Review P5-9
Read P10-11

Have a great week! See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Senior-2 February 10th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How's it going?
It's Tuesday, February 11th, 2014.
It's a national holiday today!
Are you enjoying yourself?
Have you been watching the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic Games?
Whose performance amazed you the most?
Were you excited to watch the races?
What event interests you the most?
I'm a fan of figure skating. I'm always amazed when I see ice skating performances.
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers on Monday.
The next speakers are Akira and Yuka.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Cover to Cover 2
Unit 9 Unit 1 Falling Out (pp.  114-116)
Vocabulary in Context
Bridge Work 2nd round
Chapter 32 Unit 2 過去分詞と現在分詞の使い分け
Open Forum Unit 7 Part 2
Stress in the Schoolyard

See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report Junior-1 February 9th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Monday, February 10th, 2014.
It's sunny and cold today.
Star Teamの歌は速くて聞き取るのが大変でしたね。
Our speaker yesterday was Arisa.
She talked about her after school activity.
The next speaker is Minori.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 147 & 148
Bridge Work
Chapter 10 Unit 2 Grammar and Communication-1 所要時間の尋ね方 Review
Exercise-1 #3, 4
Grammar and Communication-2 場所を表す前置詞
Exercise-1 #1-a (pp. 164-165)
Chapter 11 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2 #32-40
Exercise-1 #7 (p. 175)
Exercise-2 #5-b. (p. 180)
Star Team Unit 10 Song You've got style! (p. 55)

See you on Saturday!


Lesson Report Junior-1E February 9th

Hello class!
This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you?
It's Monday, February 10th, 2014.
It's sunny and cold today.
きのうのレッスンでは、Chapter 8 Unit 2のまとめとしてKey Communication の練習をしましたね。
そして、Star TeamのRole Playも頑張りましょうね。
<Lesson Review>
基礎英語 Lessons 147 & 148
Bridge Work
Chapter 8 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-3 Verbs to learn - 12 enjoy, prefer
-ing 「~すること」というときの使い方 Review
Exercise-3 #3
Grammar in Use  Tennis Match-2
Key Communication
(pp. 133-135)
Star Team Unit 7 Charlie doesn’t like shopping (p. 38)

See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report-Advancing-Feb.10th

Dear Advancing Classmates,
How was the snowy weekend? This must have been the first heavy snowfall you've ever experienced, right?
Then, think about the people who live in such deep snow throughout the winter season, and even in colder temperature. Isn't is a luxury to live in such a warm and comfortable place?
[1] Reading & Writing: Unit 10 Global Health
Review FAQ Page about an illness or computer virus or internet hoax or slander
[2] Reading for Writing: Auction to kill rhino #2=> Write your response to the question within 100 words; “Should a hunting permit sold to conserve the endangered species?”
=> Debate/Discuss based on the writing=> Clarify and Restate the reason why you think so
Reading Comprehension
- Topic Reading: Smartmeter
=> Explain(1) a means to match consumption with generation
(2) "price signals"
(3) “accelerate significantly the rollout of smart meters
=> Task If the U.K. can initiate such a bold move to replace legacy meters with smart ones, do we have any chance to do the same of similar in Japan? Why Japan is left so behind in using smart meters? Who generates, distributes and sells electricity, and measures the usage and charges the fee to the users?