Lesson Report-Senior 2-Dec.10th

1. Bridge to MEL Book 3
- Grammar: C34-U2: G&C-1 & 2  Relative pronouns; subject/object G&C-3
- Vocabulary in Use: C34-U1 #1
2. Read & Write  Unit 9 Life Changes: Writing/Q-Classroom Write about Your Life
- Review & Revise/Rewrite=> Pair Tell your partner your life=> Q&A
Read & Write   Read & Write Unit 10 Fear: What are you afraid of?
Preview the Unit - A: Listen to the Q Classroom
- Skim C/p.184=> What are you afraid of? What do you do to stay away from it?
Prepare your answer in three to five sentences=> Explain => Q&A
3. Cover to Cover   Unit 11 Challenges Part 1: A Lesson Learned
Com Task-2 Read aloud: Pr.3=>(1) 私は滅多に文句を言わない人や主張しない人に対処するのに慣れていなかった。
I wasn’t used to dealing with people who rarely complain or argue.
Read aloud: Par.6-7 (2)Pr-6:私は身体障害を持った居住者達の振舞いを私の友人のそれと比べずにはいられなかった。
 I couldn’t help comparing the behavior of the disabled residents with my friends’.
(3) Pr-6,7: 君は友人が君にくれる貴重なアドバイスに対してもっと感謝の気持ちを持つ必要がある。
 You need to be more grateful for the valuable advice your friends gave you.
=> Com Task-3 Talk about your experience: Have you ever been embarrassed or troubled because you pretended that you had known, understood or agreed with what someone told or asked you?
Unit 11 Challenges Part 2: An Amazing Athlete => Chantal Petitclerc
- Fluency Strategy: Ignoring unknown words
- Read-1=> Task A. Fluency and Comprehensions-> Read w/CD => Read aloud: Pr-4, 5
=> Com Task-1 1. She can’t even imagine what it’s like to ~ standing up. (pr-4)
2. Given what she has done with ~ another challenge. (pr-5)

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