Lesson Report-Adv.2-Jul.13th

[1] Listening & Vocabulary: Kikutan-6K  Day 11: The Tower of London
- Lis-1=> Write the Main Idea in one sentence-> Lis-2=> Revise the Main Idea.
-> Read=> Revise the Main Idea. -> Shadow Reading
=> Predict associate, execute, reign => Dic/Tablet
- associate   (~ sb/sth with sth/sb) combine, link, correlate, relate; ~ the smell with …
- execute (passive) kill sb-> public execution, implement, carry out, accomplish, perform; ~ a plan
- reign (v) to rule as a king/Q: govern, rule, occupy; Queen ~ reigned from/during …,
 (n) the period during some ruler: dynasty, regime, tenure; in/under the reign of sb,  
[2] Inside Reading-3 Unit 4 Public Health  Immunization against Diseases of Public Health Importance
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level
Word Form Chart - A. -> Relay Reading by Group
Dic assure - to state with confidence, definitely true, happen: She assured us that everything would be all right.
- to promise, guarantee; He was assured a job.  - to (a future event) ensure, secure; This contract assures profit.
-> assurance [C]; He received assurances of support for the project. He gave his assurance that the job would be done.
=> Pair Introduce a partner to something that you can assure of the quality such as food, restaurant, book, movie or game in 60-sec. I can assure you that you will … I’m sure you’ll like/enjoy it.
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
Dic resolve - to find satisfactory solution to sth, solve, work out; ~ an issue/dispute/conflict/crisis/problem/difference
=> Pair How do you usually resolve a problem or conflict in a group/team/family or with friends?
Dic compensate - to provide sth good to balance/reduce the bad effects, make up for, offset; ~ for the lose/damage
- to pay sb money for sth bad, repay, recoup, refund; She should be ~d for the suffering.
[3] Read & Write-3  Unit 1 First Impressions Reading #1 How to Make a Strong First Impression
- Vocabulary: Read the sentences aloud-> match the definitions  10. offensive
- Listening/Web -> Main Ideas=>  Integ. Speech Speak the main ideas of this article to a partner in 90 sec.
- Read-1-> Check the MI, Answer Supporting Details (Note or underline the answers in the text)
=> Integ. Speech-1 Speak the main ideas of this article to a partner in 90 sec.

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