Lesson Report-Adv.2-Jul.18th

[1] Open Forum-2 Chapter 12 International Studies   #2 A Lecture about Culture Shock
- Preparing to Listen => Pair Talk about the culture shock you experienced in a place, community or school.
- Lis-1 -> Answer WS  (1) What is culture shock?  (2) What are the five stages of culture shock?
 (3) Why it’s important to know about culture shock?
  => Integ. Speech Explain (1) what culture shock is and (3) why it’s important to know about it in 90 sec.
- Lis 2 -> Complete WS-> Organize Question (2) => Integ. Speech Describe the five states of culture shock.
- Working Out Unknown Vocabulary
=> Integ. Speech Which stage of culture shock sounds more difficult to deal with to you?
[2] Inside Reading-3  Unit 5 Film Studies  Bodies in Motion
Target Words:  encounter, expose, restore
Reading-1  The Dartfish Olympics, BBC Sport Uses Stromotion Technique
☆What?: Online magazine column, Press release by BBC
Reading Skill: Summarizing a Text Using Nontext Elements
Before You Read-3. Pair Have you ever seen video of your performance? Was it helpful?
- Preview: Check the titles, photos and captions.
-> strobe (n) a bright light that flashes rapidly on and off.
-> simul-> Dic simultaneous (adj) occurring, existing, or operating at the same time; concurrent
- Reading Skill: Summarizing a Text Using Nontext Elements
- Read Part-1 The Dartfish Olympics-> Mark the Subject/Topic and main idea of each paragraph
=> Apply-1  Identify and Write two main ideas=> Pair Compare-> Read and Revise
StroMotion is a photo software that shows an athlete’s move by motion, which allows athletes to analyze their moves to improve their performance.
It is also used to judge the performance and result of games and competitions.
- Read Part-2 BBC Sport Uses StroMotion Technique -> Mark the Subject/Topic, main idea of each par.
=> Apply-2  Identify and Write two main ideas=> Pair Compare-> Read and Revise
StroMotion enhances the image of sports games and competitions, so that the viewers can enjoy the moves and performance of the sports event more excitedly.
SimulCam is another exclusive video application by Dartfish that simultaneously shows two competitors in different places and time in one screen as if they were competing together.
- Read Part-1, Part-2 -> Apply-3  Check the photos and review the text to think what the main ideas.
=> Apply-4  Combine the main ideas and write a summary in two sentences => Pair Compare
StroMotion is a photo software that enhances the image of sports games and competitions.
It not only helps athletes improve their performance by the precise images but also entertains the viewers of the sports events more lively.

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