Lesson Report Junior-3 October 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, October 24, 2015.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
What is one thing your mom or dad sometimes makes you do?

Do they let you play video games every day?
今日のレッスンでは、make, have, let の使い方をさらに練習しました。
What are you planning to to tomorrow?

Can you afford to do anything you want tomorrow?
Our presenter today was Chiharu.
She talked about her father.

She showed many photos of Antarctica.

She also gave us a chance to learn a Japanese expedition to Antarctica.
The next speaker is Minori.
Get ready for your speech!

< Lesson Review>

Small talk: How was your week?

Show and tell => Chiharu

基礎英語 Lesson 93 & 94

Lesson 93  Listen to the story and ask students some questions: What’s the problem with Sonia? What does Tino suggest doing for Sonia?

Activity: You look …  Do I? I guess I’m just … Add some reason  => Sorry to hear that. That’s too bad. Good for you!

Lesson 94  Listen to the story and ask students some questions: What’s the problem with Annie? What is Mrs. Gill going to do?

Deep listening  Lesson 9  Long Flight

Chapter 31 Unit 2  VIU #2 感情に関することば p.94  Practice with the tablet

Chapter 32

Unit 1

Grammar and Communication-3 [verb + to …]  > Exercise-3  #1

Have a great Sunday!
See you on Wednesday.


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