Lesson Report-Adv.2-Feb.6th

[1] Listening & Vocabulary: Kikutan-6K  Day 37 The International Labour Organization
MI The International Labor Organization, or ILO, is an agency of the U.N. that aims to protect workers and improve their work environment
- dedicate  to devote wholly to a special purpose/cause; commit, devote: ~ oneself/sth to sth/-ing 
- assess  to judge the worth, importance; evaluate ; evaluate, appraise: ~ the effects, ~ how well it works
[2] Inside Reading-3 Unit 9 Business Competitive Instinct
- Review Words/Expressions/Grammar=> HW
 [P1-L10]  consecutive  following one another in uninterrupted succession or order; successive, in sequence: six ~ numbers, three ~ days  [L11] testify to make a statement sth happened or true (for/against, to/about sth); give testimony: agree/refuge to ~ for/against sb. ~ before a jury -> testimony   [L15] staggering results;  amazing, shocking, stunning  [P2-L18] Greek Mythology   [L19] abound- (with) to be filled: The ship ~s with rats.  -to occur/exist in abundance: a stream in which trout ~  - (in) to be rich or well supplied : The region abounds in coal.  [L20] rivalry between siblings   [L21] play into the clashes  fail, fall, break down  -> play into the hands of/sb’s hands  [L23] succeeding over the other; take over, take the place of, replace [L26]  we don’t tire of - (vi) (~ of) exhausted; become weary; become bored): He soon ~d of studying.  (transitive) to reduce the energy of; weary  - to reduce the tolerance of; bore or irritate: I'm tired of the children's chatter   [1206-L27] abandoned  forsaken or deserted: an ~ building; an ~ kitten. [L30] conquer  to acquire by force of arms; win in war: ~ a foreign land.  -to overcome by force; subdue: ~ an enemy. [L32] thereby  by that, because of that, so that  [L34] commence   [L35] brutal military campaign  [L37] on one’s behalf  in /on behalf of, as a representative of or a proxy for: ~ my colleagues,  - in /on someone's behalf, in the interest or aid of sb: did sth on my behalf  [L11] largely illiterate officer group  [1296-44]  cathedral [kəθidrəl] the principal church of a district, under the bishop [L46] nave [neɪv] the central space in a church [L50] devise a strategy [dɪvaɪz] to work out or invent sth new; formulate, mastermind, invent: A new system has been ~d to reduce traffic.  [L53] interlock bricks  [L54] usher [ʌʃər ] to conduct or escort, esp in a courteous way ;escort, precede: Sb ~ed me into the room. (n) a person who usher in church, hall
[1419-L59] devotion to exploration <-devote  to give up to concentrate on a particular pursuit, occupation, purpose, cause, etc.: ~ his time to reading. She ~d her life to God.  [1450-L64] imprint characters  <-imprint  to impress (a quality, character, distinguishing mark). - to produce (a mark) on sth by pressure. [L67] movable metal type [L74] creation of the middle class  [1854-L77] capitalism   [L80] principle [prɪnsəpəl] a standard or rule of personal conduct; ethic, rule, foundation: a man of~  -(pl) a set of such moral rules: He has no ~s. [L80] private ownership  <-> state owned company [L83] proponent  a person who argues in favor of sth; advocate, supporter [L86] unequal distribution of wealth [1957-L92]  parallel  (with) to be similar to or as good as sth; correlate, correspond : sth is ~ed by an increase in …   (adj) to/with sth  (n) a person/situation/event that is very similar to another; equivalent: have ~s in my thought. Sth has without ~ in modern technology. Have no ~ in my culture. [2010-L131] outperform  [L132]  qualitative and quantitative analysis  [2011-L144] viable  capable of becoming actual, useful; practicable, reasonable, applicable, useable, possible, workable : a viable proposition [145] yields   (v) to furnish as a return; earn, produce, : the shares ~ed three per cent  -to give forth or supply (a product, result) by cultivation, labor: This farm ~s enough fruit to meet all our needs.
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level 
- A. commission, commence, qualitatively -> Read aloud
- B. 2. Dic value (v) (sb/sth) (as/for sth) to think sth/sb is important, valuable; respect, appreciate, cherish, treasure: ~ sb as a partner, a ~ friend, ~d asset/partnership
=> Pair What do you value (the) most in a friendship?
What do you value most in school or an activity you’re engaged in?
4. not at ~ but as …-> not as a duty but as a privilege, not as a job but as an opportunity, 
=> Pair Do you study English as a school subject or as a language?
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
Corpus  qualitative – quantitative -> quantify
=> Pair What qualitative and quantitative assessment does your school have on your report card?
- D. Mark the words/figures that made you determine the type of evaluation.
- E. 3. Desperate to …,  incentive
6. rise into leadership
8. partly due to ~, quantified, feel recognized or appreciated
[3] My Global Learning Program-3  The Pacific War
Program 4. China during the war

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