MEL News April 2016

News-1 英検リニューアル
3月28日(月)から30日(水)は春休2016年度から英検の出題形式、合否基準などが大きく変わります。特に2級はライティング試験の導入、リーディングテストの問題形式の変更、試験時間延長など変更要素が多くあります。4級と5級にも任意のスピーキングテストが導入されます。ヨーロッパで用いられている英語使用の能力指標(CEFR) をもとに「いかに英語が使えるか」を評価するための改編です。MEL School では開校当初から使える英語力の育成を目的としていますので、今回の改編がより生徒さんの学習への励みになることを願っています!

News-2 2016年度第1回英検申込および能力測定
2016年度第1回英検は6月12日(日)に5級、4級、3級、準2級をMEL School で実施します。
申込受付:5月6日(金)~18日(水)受験料と申込方法はMEL News 5月号でお知らせします。
4月29日(金・祝) 5級・3級 午後1:30集合 (所要時間は1時間程度)
4月30日(土) 4級・準2級  午後1:30集合 (所要時間は4級1時間、準2級は1時間半程度)

MEL Schoolは今年で創立10周年を迎えます。常に最適な学習、練習のさせ方を工夫してきましたが、今年は特に以下の活動を強化します。

Senior/Advancing クラス



MEL School 三鷹

Lesson Report-Adv.1-Mar.26th

1. Kikutan-6K Day 46 Oxfam America Hunger Banquet 
Oxfam America holds “Hunger Banquet” event to improve awareness of hunger in the world by providing simple food such as rice and water to the guests.
2. Inside Reading-2  Unit 10  Bites and Stings
Target Words Dic append  to add as a supplement: to append a footnote.; add, affix 
-> appendix  separate additional material at the end of a book/magazine, esp documentary or explanatory
Reading-1  Attack of the Fire Ants
- Preview: Check the title, headings, image/captions, chart-> Predict the topic
Intro; appendage [əpɛndɪdʒ] a subordinate part attached to something; an auxiliary part; addition. 
 - any member of the body diverging from the axial trunk.
- Skim the text=>Blog Write the main ideas in three sentences=> Speak the main idea in 60 seconds
Fire ants sting many people in the U.S. Their venom is toxic to human nerve system and not easily neutralized.
They live only in hot to warm temperature zones in the world and also can survive in buildings where temperature is kept warm enough.
3. Read & Write-2   Unit 9  Writing: Alternate Assignment
- Writing Skill: Using numbers to support ideas. 
-> A. Identify MI, study the population growth. -> B. 
=> Describe a trend, situation, event, place or thing, or your grades or profile using numbers & facts.
- Grammar: The Present Perfect
-> A. have/has studied/lived for permanent/long time, have been –ing for emphasis on the present –ing.
-> B. Pair Ask two questions using the present perfect. 
=> Answer the questions in the present perfect and explain in the past and present tense.
Writing (Alternate Assignment): Plan -> T’s Check
Blog Write a paragraph to describe your community/society such as school, local community or country. 
Write two or three points that are important or unique and use numbers to support them. 
=> HW by 4/5
Blog Japan kills 333 minke whales

Watch the video and read the text. Prepare to answer the question, "Why Japan still hunts whales?” in four to six sentences for the next lesson on Apr. 6th.

Lesson Report Senior-1 March 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Saturday, March 26, 2016.
It's overcast today.
Congratulations on finishing all the lessons in Senior-1 class!
I'm sure you're ready for your next step.
You're in the middle of the spring break.
Enjoy the time, but don't be too lazy!
If I were you, I would enjoy the break in March, and be working for the next school year from April 1st.
Your new lesson at MEL School starts on April 1st anyway.
Our speaker yesterday was Yuhei.
He talked about his rock band.
He had us listen to the music he usually played.
The next speaker is Yuma.
Try your best!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 37 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2 I wish I had ...
Exercise-2 #2, 3-a, and 3-b
Grammar and Communication-3  Conditional zero, one and two
Exercise-3 #1 and 3
Cover to Cover -1 
Unit 9 Part 2  Happy people
Communication task Step 3
Summarizing the article

Have a great spring break.
Good luck on your new year!


Lesson Report Junior-1 March 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
It's Saturday, March 26, 2016.
It's cloudy today.
Congratulations on finishing your 96th lesson at MEL School!
昨日のレッスンはJunior-1 クラスの96回目のレッスンでした。
Did you study hard for a year?
Great job!
Our speaker today was Mao.
She talked about her favorite idol group.
The next speaker is Aoi.
Get ready for your speech!  Practice a lot!!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 13 Unit 2 (pages16, 17, and 19)
Grammar and Communication-2  hard - hard
Grammar and Communication-4  all/mos/some/two/one of ...
Chapter 14 Unit 2 (page 45)
Verbs from Book 1  Regular verbs #49-66

Enjoy the spring break.
See you all in a week!


Lesson Report Primary-2 March 25th

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's March 26, 2016.  
It's sunny today!
Picture Dictionary Topic 50 (4)を学習しました。
Oxford Discover Grammar Book P83-86を完成しました。
can, can'tを復習しました。Good work everyone!

Lesson 96Primary2のクラスは解散となります。


Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 50 (4)
Sing chant
Do word game. 
Oxford Grammar Book Do P83-86
Introduce yourself. 
Where you are from, age, name, etc.

Have a great spring vacation! 
Please check MEL web site for next year's schedules!

Thank you for being my students!


Lesson Report Primary-1 March 25th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It’s March 26, 2016.  

It's  sunny today!
Picture Dictionary Topic 22 (4)を学習しました。
thirsty, hungry, naughty, weak等。
This is Phonics
2 Unit 4 P53Chantを唄い、これらの単語でミニテストをしました。
Good work everyone! 

Lesson 96Primary 1のクラスは解散となります。


Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 22
Sing the chant
Do BINGO.  Use words from Topic 22 and 15 adjectives from reader book 1D
This is Phonics 2    Sing P53, sing chant,  read words,  and practice. 
Do minitest. 10 words and an extra special word : birthday
Introduce yourself.  Age, nationality, etc. 
Get a treat!

Have a great spring vacation!
Please check MEL web site for next year's schedules!
Thank you for being my students!


Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Mar.25th

1. Kikutan-4K  Air Pollution in China
Air pollution in China is a serious problem especially in large cities like Beijing and Shanghai but it is unlikely for the residents of those cities to see clear skies in the near future.
2. Inside Reading-2  Unit 3  Reading-1 Looking for Bad Guys at the Big Game
- Read-1 -> Underline the topic sentence of each paragraph. Mark the topic of the paragraph.
-> Reading Comprehension: T/F, Mark the location and paragraph #, Correct false statements.
(- Reading Skill Scanning Signal Words, Key Words=> Apply Underline the answer, signal/key words)
Video-Face Recognition Solutions by NEC
3. Read & Write-2  Unit 9  Writing: Alternate Assignment
- Writing Skill: Using numbers to support ideas. 
-> A. Identify MI, study the population growth. -> B. 
=> Describe a trend, situation, event, place or thing, or your grades or profile using numbers & facts.
- Grammar: The Present Perfect
-> A. have/has studied/lived for permanent/long time, have been –ing for emphasis on the present –ing.
-> B. Pair Ask two questions using the present perfect. 
=> Answer the questions in the present perfect and explain in the past and present tense.
Writing (Alternate Assignment): Plan -> T’s Check
Blog Write a paragraph to describe your community/society such as school, local community or country. 
Write two or three points that are important or unique and use numbers to support them. 
=> HW by 3/30

Lesson Report Junior-2 March 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, March 25, 2016.
It's beautiful and sunny today! 
Congratulations on finishing the year 2015 at MEL School!
Many of you have just finished the 192th lesson!
Hope you learned a lot of useful things for your future.
Your new school year starts in a week.
Please get well prepared for your new challenge.
Our speaker yesterday was Kotoko.
She talked about the famous British band, the Beatles.
The next speaker is Momoka.
Get ready for your speech and try your best on your presentation!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work-3
Chapter 26 Unit 2 (page 18)
Vocabulary in Use #1 学校などに関することば
Writing practice Workbook page 65
Check the answer and practice with the tablet
Chapter 26 Unit 2 (pages 14 to 15)
Grammar and Communication -1 modal verbs
Exercise-1 #4
Grammar and Communication-2 Can I ...?
Grammar and Communication-3 I'm glad/sorry to ...
Engage Unit 6  One of a kind
Living English  Listening
Famous politicians

Enjoy the holiday.
See you on March 31st!


Lesson Report Junior-1 March 24th

Hello class! This is Miharu from MEL School.
It’s Friday, March 25th, 2016.
It’s sunny today.
Did you get up early this morning? Were you late for school?
Our speaker yesterday was Ayami.
She talked about her weekend. She went to her grandparents' house. But her sister got up late, so they got to their grandparents' house late.
The next speaker is Yuki. Get ready for your speech! 

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 13 Unit2
Grammar and Communication-2
Ex-2-1, Ex-2a. Let's Check-2
Grammar and Communication-4
Let's Check-1 (p.15)

Unit8 Free Time
Listening Speaking

Have a great spring holiday!
See you again on the 31st.


Lesson Report Junior-3 March 23rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday
, March 23, 2016.

It's overcast today.
How did you find your classmates' posters?
Did you find they were better than yours?
Which point did you find good about it?
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speaker is Chiharu.
Get ready for your speech!

You have only one lesson to go this school year.
Hope every one of you can make it!

< Lesson Review>

基礎英語 Lessons 171 & 172
Bridge Work
Chapter 29 Unit 1  How long have you ...?
Chapter 27 Unit 1 Vocabulary in Use #2
Writing practice Workbook on pages 68
Chapter 31 Unit 2  Grammar in Use 
New Rules of MEL City's Trash Collection Program (page 95)

Enjoy the rest of the week!
See you on Saturday.


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Mar.23rd

1. Kikutan-6K  Week-9 Review  Disease Outbreak
Widespread infectious disease caused death to many but it is still a big concern even today because of oversea travelers.
2. Read & Write-2  Unit 9  Reading 1: Cultural Differences in Counting, a science report
Blog Review Writing What’s the most surprising/interesting thing you learned in the article?
=> Write your response within eight sentences including an example or your own experience by 3/20
Reading 2: Problems with Math, a personal essay 
- Vocabulary: be flattered (=honored) You’re trying to flatter me, Don’t flatter yourself (think you can do)
- Skimming: Title, captions, 1st Par, 1st sen-> Check MI, D and underline the points to look at.
- Read-1-> Mark the words to describe Time/When, Underline the Topic=> Main Ideas, Details
- Vocabulary Skill: Numbers and mathematical terms-> [A]
 - What do you think-B/p.176: 2. Some people have a natural ability in math or dealing with numbers, 
while others struggle with it. Do you consider yourself to be good at math or numbers or not? Why?
3. Inside Reading-2  Unit 9 True and Faults   Reading- 2  Playing with the Pixels
Vocabulary Activities-Word Level 
- A. Read the words in the box-> Fill in the blanks without reading (voca task) -> Read the text aloud.
- B. Put the sentences in a logical order. Identify the topic of each sentence and sort them
=> Homework by the next lesson on Mar. 26th

Blog  a. demand that (should/BrE) inf (仮定法現在): demanded that he emphasize ~ and play …
- insist that, recommend that, propose that, require that, suggest that
  He demanded that she tell him the truth. They suggested that the passage be deleted.
  The contract requires that the rent be paid by …  We insisted that he resign as chairman.
  - it’s important/essential/necessary that inf.: It is essential that the bill pass the Diet by …
b. show no reluctance to …
d. digital manipulation <- manipulate; change to suit one’s desire; influence, maneuver, shape
e. dark room techniques
- D. Dic submit  
- to present for the approval, consideration, or decision of another or others; present, offer, propose, suggest, refer
- to give over or yield to the power or authority of another, to yield oneself to the power or authority of another; comply, endure, defer, surrender, agree, acknowledge 

Lesson Report Senior-1 March 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Wednesday, March 23, 2016.
It's overcast today.
Hope everyone is enjoying the spring day.
If you had no homework every day, how would you spend your time after school?
If you had two more hours, 48 hours, a day, what would you do?
Thinking about "If ..." is very fun, isn't it?
I wish I had two more hours every day!
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speaker is Yuhei.
Get ready for your speech!
You have only one lesson to go this school year.
Hope everyone will present and work hard!!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 37 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 if I were ...
Grammar and Communication-2 I wish I had ...
Exercise-2 #1
Chapter 37 Unit 1 VIU #2  軍隊などに関することば => HW: Workbook 
Cover to Cover -1 
Unit 9 Part 2  Happy people
Comprehension check
Vocabulary in context A and B
Communication task Step 1 and 2
Identifying the main idea in each paragraph

Stay healthy!
See you on Friday.


Lesson Report Junior-1 March 22nd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
It's Wednesday, March 23, 2016.
It's cloudy today.
What are you going to do this evening?
Do you have any plans?
If so, what are you doing?
昨日のレッスンでは、みなさんのFree timeの過ごし方についてskitを作ってもらいました。
Mei and Mao pairが発表で最高得点を取りました。
Great job!
Our speaker today was Riku.
He talked about his soccer games on Sunday.
The next speaker is Mao.
Get ready for your speech!  Practice a lot!!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 13 Unit 2 (page 25)
Verbs from Book 1 Irregular verbs #36-39
Chapter 14 Unit 2 (page 45)
Verbs from Book 1  Regular verbs #40-48 
Engage Unit 8
Grammar W51
Question words 
Activity: Making a skit and presenting with a partner

Enjoy the rest of the week.
See you all on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-2 March 22nd

Hello Class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's March 23, 2016.  
It's sunny today!
Picture Dictionary Topic 50 (3)を学習しました。
Bridgework のプリントを使って自己紹介を練習しました。
自分の歳、出身地、国籍も言えました。Good work everyone!
Let`s have a great lesson!

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 50(3)
Sing chant
Do word game.  BINGO  Words from Topic and months
Do Bridgework worksheet.  Practice introducing yourself. 

Have a fantastic week! 
See you on Friday!


Lesson Report Primary-1 March 22nd

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It’s March 23, 2016.  

It's  sunny today!
Picture Dictionary Topic 22 (3)を学習しました。
This is Phonics
2 Unit 4 P53Chantを唄い、単語を繰り返し練習しました。
Bridgework のプリントを使って自己紹介の練習をしました。

Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 2
Sing the chant
Do BINGO.  Use words from Topic 22 and 9 months (write months without looking at book)
This is Phonics 2  Sing P53 sing chant,  read words,  and practice. 
Read and repeat sentences on P65, 66. 
Do Bridgework worksheet  Practice introducing yourself. 
Age, nationality, etc

Have a good week!  
Friday is our last lesson!

Lesson Report-Sr.2p-Mar.22nd

1. Kikutan-4K  Day 43  The Dangers of Nuclear Power
As the need for electricity increases, so does the dependency on nuclear power. Although the danger of nuclear power was clearly realized in March 2011’s earthquake and tsunami in Japan, it is still needed to provide enough power at the moment.
2. Read & Write-2  Unit 9  Reading 1: Cultural Differences in Counting, a science report
Blog Review Writing What’s the most surprising/interesting thing you learned in the article?
=> Write your response within eight sentences including an example or your own experience by 3/20
Reading 2: Problems with Math, a personal essay 
- Vocabulary: be flattered (=honored) You’re trying to flatter me, Don’t flatter yourself (think you can do)
- Skimming: Title, captions, 1st Par, 1st sen-> Check MI, D and underline the points to look at.
- Read-1-> Mark the words to describe Time/When, Underline the Topic=> Main Ideas, Details
- Vocabulary Skill: Numbers and mathematical terms-> [A]
- What do you think-B/p.176: 2. Some people have a natural ability in math or dealing with numbers, 
while others struggle with it. Do you consider yourself to be good at math or numbers or not? Why?
=> ☆Integ. Speech Answer the question with example(s) in 90 seconds.
3. Inside Reading-2  Unit 2 The Business of Branding  Reading-2 Product Placement
Vocabulary Activities-Sentence Level
- contradict (to assert the contrary or opposite of; deny directly and categorically)  

Lesson Report Junior-1 March 21st

Hello class! This is Miharu from MEL School.
It’s Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016.
It’s a beautiful sunny day. 
Cherry blossoms are about to bloom beautifully!  

They are so beautiful when they bloom.
Our speaker yesterday was Yuri.
She talked about her weekend. She went shopping with her friend and she bought some gifts for her teammates. 

The next speaker is Ayami. Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 13 Unit2
Verbs From Book1(55-66)
Grammar and Communication-1 -adjectives and adverbs
Exercise-1 #1 and 2

Unit8 Free Time

Enjoy this beautiful season of the year!
See you all on Thursday.


Lesson Report Junior-2 March 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, March 22, 2016.
It's sunny and warm today! 
Do you think you should study hard during spring break?
I think you can enjoy the holiday if you don't get too lazy.
It's better for you to prepare for school!
Our speaker yesterday was Hikaru.
He talked about his favorite person.
The next speaker is Kotoko.
Get ready for your speech and try your best on your presentation.

You have one more lesson to go before MEL spring break!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work-3
Chapter 26 Unit 2 (page 18)
Vocabulary in Use #1 学校などに関することば
Practice with the tablet
Chapter 26 Unit 1
Review: Reporting  Practice indirect speech
Review: Grammar in Use
Chapter 26 Unit 2 (pages 14 to 15)
Grammar and Communication -1 modal verbs
Exercise-1 #1, 2-a, 2-b, 2-c, and 3
Engage Unit 6  One of a kind
Living English  Reading
Famous firsts   Review: Reading practice

Have an awesome week.
See you on Thursday!


Lesson Report Senior-1 March 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Tuesday, March 22, 2016.
What a beautiful day!
When do you feel the happiest?
Do you think money can make us happy?
We talked about what made us happy.
I don't think there's an absolute element to make people happy since it varies.
If you want to be happier, you need to think hard when you feel happy and what makes you feel so.
Our speaker yesterday was Sae.
She talked about her then pet cat.
She love cats!
The next speaker is Takeshi.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 37 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-2  because, as, and since
Exercise-2 #2
Grammar and Communication-3  If it rains, ... Unless you do your homework ...,
Chapter 37 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1 if I were ...
Chapter 37 Unit 1 VIU #1 機会や仕事などに関することば => HW: Workbook
Cover to Cover -1 Unit 9 Part 1  Vocabulary review
Unit 9 Part 2  Happy people
Discuss what makes you happy
Comprehension strategy: Skimming

Have a good day!
See you soon.


Lesson Report Junior-3 March 19th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Sunday
, March 20, 2016.

It's sunny and warm today.
What do you think if you are told your father has been transferred to a foreign country?
Do you think you become sad like Sam?
Are you excited about having new adventures?
The spring is the season many people start new lives.
Hope everyone will get ready for your new ones!
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speaker is Chiharu.
Get ready for your speech!

< Lesson Review>

基礎英語 Lessons 169 & 170
Bridge Work
Chapter 28 Unit 2  How to use present perfect and other tense 
Chapter 27 Unit 1 Vocabulary in Use #1
Writing practice Workbook on pages 67
Chapter 31 Unit 2  Grammar in Use 
New Rules of MEL City's Trash Collection Program (page 95)

I'm looking forward to seeing your posters next time!

Have a fantastic spring week!
See you on Wednesday.


Lesson Report-Adv.1-Mar.19th

1. Kikutan-6K  Day 45  Solar Roads
- Listen-> Read aloud=> Tell-1 a summary in 2-3 sen-> Read aloud=> Tell-2->Practice Chant
Though solar panels generate clean energy, it takes a lot of space install them. There is plenty of space on the ground, roads. Placing solar panels on roads sounds progressive but it is feasible with today’s technology.
2. Inside Reading-2  Unit 9 True and Faults   Reading- 2  Playing with the Pixels
- Study Words/Expressions and Text -2 
3. Special-1  Introduction to MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) 
  edX  Introduction-The significance of Beethoven’s 9th symphony  (4:44)
Special-2  Greece's 'warehouse of souls:' Refugees stuck in old stadiums, derelict airport  
derelict: deserted, abandoned
- Watch Videos  Intro Video  - Border (w/o sound)  - Life  2:42
- Map of Europe/Route refugees take 
- Read the article=> Think 
Is it a good thing to have the children of such refugees in you class? 
Is your family ready to welcome refugee families in your neighborhood? 
Will you help them settle in your school or community?
=> Do you think Japan should take some of those refugees? 
    Speak your answer in 4-6 sentences.

Lesson Report Primary-2 March 18th

Hello Class!
This is Kumiko from MEL School.  
It's March 19, 2016.  
It's cloudy and rainy today!
Picture Dictionary Topic 50 (2) を学習しました。
Bridgework のプリントを使って自己紹介を練習しました。

<Lesson Review>
Picture Dictionary Topic 50 (2)
Sing chant
Do word game
Do Bridgework worksheet. 
Practice introducing yourself. 
Read and present.

Have a great weekend ! 
Have a great three-day weekend!


Lesson Report Primary-1 March 18th

Hello class! This is Kumiko from MEL School.
It’s March 19, 2016.  

It's  cloudy and rainy today!
Picture Dictionary Topic 22 (2)を学習しました。
This is Phonics
2 Unit 4 P53Chantを唄いました。
P60 の文を繰り返し音読しました。次回は確認ミニテストをしましょう!
Bridgework のプリントを使って自己紹介の練習、P17の会話をグループに分かれ練習しました。皆

Lesson Review
Picture Dictionary Topic 22
Sing the chant
Do word game   Write words from Topic on board.  (2 groups)
This is Phonics 2   Sing P53 sing chant,  read words,  and practice. 
Read and repeat sentences on P60
Do Bridge Work worksheet 
Practice introducing yourself.  R
ead conversation in groups. Present

Have a great weekend!  
Stay healthy!

Lesson Report Senior-1 March 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Friday, March 18, 2016.
It was sunny and warm during the day but it's raining now.
Do you usually understand all of the things you learn at school?
Do you have any subjects you can understand none of the things in the textbook?
If you do, you need to ask your teachers or friends before it's too late!
March is a good month to catch up with something you left behind.
Our speaker yesterday was Ryuto.
He talked about his favorite sport. He gave us some reasons why he liked it.
He tried hard!
The next speaker is Sae.
Get ready for your speech!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 37 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  both, either, neither, all, and none
Exercise-1 #3
Grammar and Communication-2  because, as, and since
Exercise-2 #1
Chapter 36 Unit 2 VIU #1 人類の歴史などに関することば => HW: Workbook
VIU #2 争いなどに関することば => HW: Workbook

Have an awesome weekend!
See you all on Tuesday.


Lesson Report Junior-1 March 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
It's Friday, March 18, 2016.
It's sunny, warm, and windy today.
It started to rain at night!
How are you doing?
Do you walk slowly?
Are you reading this blog happily?
Did you do "Let's check" easily?
Good job!
Our speaker today was Kanta.
She talked about playing rugby on weekend.
The next speaker is Riku.
Get ready for your speech!  Practice a lot!!

<Lesson Review>
Bridge Work
Chapter 13 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-1  様子を表す副詞
Tablet : C13U2 G&C-1 practice, C13U2 Ex-1 practice
Exercise-1 #1-b, 2-a, and 2-b
Let's check-1
Engage Unit 8
Listening  Mark's interview
Activity: Let's have an interview!

Have a fantastic weekend.
See you all on Tuesday!
